Fazilka, 07 February (Punjab khabarnama) : Deputy Commissioner Dr. Additional Deputy Commissioner S. on the guidelines of Senu Duggal. Under the leadership of Ravinder Singh Arora, in a meeting with the officials, the necessary guidelines have been issued regarding the strict implementation of the Safe School Vehicle Policy in the district. He said that any kind of negligence will not be tolerated to protect the life and property of the children, legal action will be initiated against the violator.
The Additional Deputy Commissioner said that school van drivers should ensure that the school vans have all the necessary equipment and meet the prescribed standards. He said that under the Safe School Wahal policy, the color of the school uniform should be yellow. Must have valid school vehicle fitness certificate and permit. He said that the emergency window should be at the rear. He said that children should be picked up and dropped off only when the school bus stops. He said that the speed governor should be installed on the school vans and the speed of the vans should not exceed 40 km per hour.
He said that there is CCTV inside the vans. Cameras should be installed and running. He said there should be a first aid kit at the van. He said that there should also be an emergency fire extinguisher. He said that there should be a lady attendant for the convenience of girls. He said that the van driver should be in his uniform. He said that child help line number, DTO office number and school authority number should be written on the back of the school van. He said that school should be written on the front and back of the van and also there should be green on the windows and there should be a separate rack for keeping children’s bags in the vans.
On this occasion, Deputy DEO Pankaj Angi and Anju Sethi, Dr. Apart from Eric, District Child Protection Officer Madam Ritu Bala, principals and school staff of various government and private schools were present.
Orders issued to departments to carry out activities under the National Road Safety Month campaign
Additional Deputy Commissioner Ravinder Singh Arora instructed the departmental officials to conduct awareness activities under the National Road Safety Month campaign. He said that more and more seminars should be held to inform people about road rules and traffic rules. He said that to prevent road accidents, it is necessary to have awareness among all. He said that by having the knowledge of the rules while walking on the roads, where we ourselves feel safe, we can also save the lives of others.
On this occasion, Traffic Incharge Fajila Pawan Kumar, Malkit Singh from Police Department, Sanjay Sarma from RTO office etc. staff were present.