Hoshiarpur, February 6 (Punjab khabarnama) : Under the direction of District and Sessions Judge-cum-Chairman District Legal Services Authority Dilbagh Singh Johal, CJM-cum-Secretary District Legal Services Authority Aparajita Joshi held the first meeting with the new panel advocates of District Courts Hoshiarpur, who have been serving for three years. (January 2024 to January 2027) has been included in the panel. Meanwhile, a training program was also organized for them at the new District and Sessions Court Complex, to provide them with competent and quality legal services, effectively spread legal literacy, apart from providing court-based legal services, in the front office. Trained to counsel clients, attend legal services camps, complete all assigned tasks, act fearlessly to uphold the interests of their clients and communicate with them in a timely manner. It may be mentioned that panel advocates are shortlisted by District Legal Services Authority Selection Committee headed by District and Sessions Judge-cum-Chairman District Legal Services Authority, whose job it is to provide legal advice to anyone seeking advice and free legal aid. To provide legal assistance to persons entitled to assistance. During this program J. M also talked about the International Day of Zero Tolerance against Sexual Exploitation of Women celebrated today. On this occasion, DLSA Apart from the entire staff and officials of Hoshiarpur, LADC. The lawyer was also present.