Ayushman Arogya Kendra

Bassi Pathana, March 25  (Punjab Khabarnama Bureau): SDM Bassi Pathana, Harveer Kaur, conducted an inspection of the Ayushman Arogya Kendra in village Naugawan. During the inspection, she interacted with the patients present at the center. The patients expressed their satisfaction, stating that the establishment of the Ayushman Arogya Kendra in their village has been highly beneficial, and they frequently visit the center for check-ups.

The SDM also spoke with the doctors present at the site, who informed her that all essential medicines are available and are being provided to patients free of cost.

SDM Bassi Pathana emphasized that the government is making every possible effort to provide comprehensive healthcare facilities to the public, including free medical tests and medicines for patients.

She further stated that the inspection found the functioning of the Ayushman Arogya Kendra to be satisfactory, and the staff was encouraged to perform their duties even more efficiently.

Summary: The SDM conducts a thorough inspection of Ayushman Arogya Kendra to assess healthcare services and ensure effective implementation of the scheme.

Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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