Chandigarh, January 6, 2025 (Punjab Khabarnama Bureau): Those planning for an intra and interstate journey on government buses in the state may face inconvenience as around 7,500 contract workers of the Pepsu Road Transport Corporation (PRTC), Punjab Roadways and PUNBUS have decided to go on a three-day strike from Monday, resulting in the suspension of operation of nearly 3,000 buses.

“The decision comes in response to the state government’s failure to address our demands,” said Harkesh Harkesh Singh Vicky, vice-president of the union. The union held a meeting with Transport Minister Laljit Singh Bhullar to discuss their demands on Wednesday, but the talks failed, he added.

“Our demands are simple. The job of contractual drivers and conductors should be regularised to end exploitation. There has to be a pay parity between regular and contractual staff. The Transport Department should not encourage contractors to operate buses and purchase new buses instead,” said Vicky.

He said only the regular staff would render services, while the union would stage protest at 27 bus depots across the state.

At present, the drivers and conductors were receiving salaries in two categories, he said. The first batch of drivers and conductors is getting a salary of Rs 18,000 per month. In the second batch, the drivers were getting Rs 13,000 per month, while the conductors were getting Rs 12,000 per month only.

Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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