Chandigarh , January 2 – The Haryana Right to Service Commission has directed the DHBVN to pay a compensation of Rs 500 to a consumer of Mahendragarh district for the inconvenience and trouble caused due to wrong electricity bill.
A spokesperson of the Commission said that Mr. Mahendra had approached the Commission on 30 September 2024 with a complaint about the wrong bill related to September 2024. The consumer had lodged a complaint on the CGRS portal on 02 October 2024. However , when the problem was not resolved within the RTS time limit of seven days, the consumer approached the SDO office and explained his complaint. On this, the SDO asked him to submit a written application , but the consumer refused, saying that the complaint has already been submitted on the CGRS portal and there is no need to make any further application. But the SDO raised his voice and left. The September bill was eventually corrected , but the consumer received another wrong bill for October 2024 , which was generated on 11 November 2024. Later this bill was also corrected.
On reviewing the matter, the Commission found that due to lack of meter reading, bills were generated on ‘ RNT ‘ basis, which is a lapse on the part of DHBVN headquarters. It is the responsibility of DHBVN to ensure timely availability of meter reading agency. If this is not done, many consumers may receive wrong bills , which may lead to complaints.