June 10 (Punjab Khabarnama) : The process of getting relief from heat due to the change in weather after the rain has now ended. The heat has knocked again, due to which the temperature is increasing rapidly. In this sequence, the havoc of severe heat will be seen in the coming 2-3 days. For this, the Meteorological Department has also issued a yellow alert for the metropolis Jalandhar. The maximum temperature has reached close to 40 degrees, due to which the effect of heat was clearly seen.

According to weather experts, there is less traffic on Sunday and most of the markets are also closed, due to which the heat remains less. Working days will also start from Monday, due to which the effect of heat will increase. At the same time, the relief that was received due to cloud formation will also end because the sky will remain clear for the next few days, due to which the direct effect of sunlight will be seen. According to the weather related possibility, the maximum temperature in the metropolis Jalandhar will reach 44 degrees in 2 days while the minimum temperature is also going to cross 27-28 degrees. Due to this, the havoc of heat will have to be faced.

Compared to the previous day, the maximum temperature on Sunday recorded a rise of only 0.8 degrees, which is considered minor. Whereas, the minimum temperature today was recorded at around 25 degrees. In the same sequence, a huge jump in temperature will be seen in the coming days, on June 10, the maximum temperature will cross 40 degrees and reach close to 41. According to the possible information gathered about the next few days, the minimum temperature on June 11 will be 28 degrees while the maximum will be 43 degrees. Similarly, on June 12-13, there will be no major increase in the minimum temperature, while the maximum temperature can reach 44 degrees. There is a need to be cautious due to the effect of heat, because many types of problems start with the increasing heat. In the same sequence, most of the roads of the city were seen empty today, till 7 pm, the traffic was seen to be around 20 percent as per routine. Not many people were seen in Chowpatty etc.

With the increase in temperature, electricity consumption will increase through AC
Experts say that some people use AC. People run AC at very low temperature (around 20 degrees) while many people are seen using AC at 26 degrees. Generally, running AC at 24-26 degrees eliminates the effect of heat and the weather becomes normal. Our body starts feeling pleasant at a temperature of 26 degrees and does not feel hot. This is the reason why a temperature-friendly system (thermostat) of 26 degrees and above has been installed in AC. Now the minimum temperature is expected to go up to 28 degrees and above, due to which the consumption of AC will start increasing. Experts say that generally due to low temperature at night, running AC between 24 to 26 reduces electricity consumption. Now the minimum temperature will increase due to which the AC will trip late, while people will have to run AC at a lower degree. In this, an increase in electricity consumption through AC will be seen.

Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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