May 3 (Punjab Khabarnama) : Keeping in mind the increase in temperature in the coming days, an advisory has been issued by the Department of Health and Family Welfare to prevent heat wave. Civil Surgeon Dr. Ranjit Singh Rai said that if the temperature reaches 40 degrees or more in a plain area, then this high temperature disturbs the temperature control system of the body and causes heat related diseases.

Appealing to the people, he said that the chances of heat wave are high during the months of May and June and people need to remain alert during this time. He advised that T.V. Apart from paying attention to local weather news through radio, newspaper etc., latest weather information can be obtained on the website of Meteorological Department. District Group Education and Information Officer Vijay Kumar Jain said that heat stroke has more impact on newborns, small children, pregnant women, elderly people of 65 years of age or above, labourers, people suffering from obesity. He said that work outside the house should be done in cooler times of the day like morning and evening. Drink water every half hour even if you are not thirsty. People suffering from epilepsy, heart disease, kidney, liver disease who are on fluid-restricted diets should consult a doctor before increasing water intake.

Wear light-colored, full-sleeved clothing when working outside. Try to wear only cotton clothes in summer. He said that umbrella, cap, towel, turban or scarf should be used to cover the head from direct sunlight. Do not go out barefoot, always wear shoes or slippers while going out in the sun. People working in the sun should rest in the shade or keep a wet cloth on the head to maintain proper body temperature. Always carry water with you while going out in the sun. Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables like watermelon, orange, grapes, cucumber and tomato as they have high water content.

Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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