Delhi, March 15 (Punjab Khabarnama): Vaccines play an important role in eradicating diseases that were once deadly. Diseases like polio and smallpox were rampant and many people lost their lives until vaccinations against these diseases came along. Vaccination enables us to live a better life without the risk of diseases. It also highlights the importance of vaccination to keep oneself safe and healthy.Frontline health workers, doctors and nurses work tirelessly throughout the year to ensure that we stay healthy and well. They make sure we are properly vaccinated too. National Immunization Day is celebrated every year to create awareness about the importance of immunization. As we prepare to celebrate the important day of the year, here are some facts we should keep in mind. National Immunization Day is celebrated on March 16 every year. This year, the special day falls on a Saturday.

Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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