May 23 (Punjab Khabarnama) : Don’t Fry Day 2024: This day can easily be mistaken for something related to food or the way the food is prepared. However, it is not even remotely related to that. It addresses a critical way of preventing the skin from scorching sunlight and its harmful impacts. Don’t Fry Day is observed every year to raise awareness about skin cancer prevention and the precautionary measures we can take to ensure that our skin is safe. Don’t Fry Day is observed throughout the world with a lot of awareness and information dissemination. People get together to discuss the ways by which we can take care of our skin and protect it from getting affected by sunlight. As we gear up to celebrate the special day, here are a few things that we should keep in mind.

Every year, Don’t Fry Day is observed on the Friday before Memorial Day. This year, Don’t Fry Day will be observed on May 24.

The sun is critical for our survival. It has immense significance to our existence. However, it is also the cause of many health issues such as skin diseases, weight gain, depression and many types of cancers. It is important to understand that Don’t Fry Day does not urge people to not get exposed to sunlight at all. In fact, Don’t Fry Day is about urging people to understand that even though exposure to sunlight is critical, we should avoid getting sunburnt.

The best way to observe Don’t Fry Day is by staying indoors and hosting discussions with people and making them aware of the harmful effects of getting sunburnt. We can also start using sunscreen, protecting the face from sunlight by using caps, and urge our loved ones to use proper gear such as hats and umbrellas to stay safe and healthy.

Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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