15 october 2024 : If you’re looking to lose weight, you might find this tip helpful: Nutritionist Alan Aragon suggests that drinking two glasses of water before meals can aid in weight loss. In an episode of The Model Health Show podcast, Aragon discussed his method of using water to enhance feelings of fullness and potentially reduce overall calorie intake. But does it really work?

The ‘Water Trick’ for Weight Loss

While hydration is essential for good health, Aragon’s ‘water trick’ specifically involves consuming two glasses of water before each meal to manage hunger and lower calorie consumption. He explained that preloading with water can significantly decrease the amount of food you eat afterward, making it especially effective when dining out. “When you sit down to eat, have two tall glasses of water before the bread and butter arrive; it will cut down on the calories you consume,” he advised.

Drinking Water During Meals

You’ve likely heard the advice to stay hydrated, but what about drinking water during meals? Aragon believes it’s beneficial. He addressed concerns about water diluting digestive enzymes, stating, “There’s really no evidence for that. Populations that consume a lot of soup, which is mostly water, digest their food just fine. So, you shouldn’t worry about using the ‘water trick’ to help limit dessert calories.”

Does the Water-Before-Meal Trick Work?

Dr. Rakesh Gupta, a senior consultant at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, confirms that the water-before-meal trick is a simple yet effective method for weight management and overall health. He noted that drinking water prior to meals can create a feeling of fullness, potentially leading to less food intake. “Several studies indicate that pre-meal hydration may help with weight control. Water adds volume to your stomach without calories, helping you feel satisfied,” he said. One study published in Obesity showed that participants who drank around 500 ml of water before each meal lost more weight over 12 weeks than those who did not.

Dr. Gupta also pointed out that water supports digestion and overall bodily functions. Sometimes, feelings of hunger can actually be signs of dehydration, so drinking water before meals can help differentiate between true hunger and thirst, thus preventing unnecessary calorie consumption.

Not a Miracle Weight Loss Solution

However, Dr. Gupta cautions that drinking water before meals isn’t a magic bullet for weight loss. “It’s most effective when combined with healthy eating habits, portion control, and regular exercise. For some individuals, especially older adults, consuming too much water before meals may suppress their appetite too much, resulting in insufficient nutrient intake. Balance is essential,” he emphasized.

Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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