September 20, 2024: Alzheimer’s disease is a condition in which the brain’s cells start getting affected due to the accumulation of amyloid-beta protein. This is mainly a disease of aging, but an unhealthy lifestyle can accelerate its onset. In Alzheimer’s, a person’s memory, comprehension, and decision-making abilities gradually diminish. On the occasion of World Alzheimer’s Day 2024, observed annually on September 21, Brahmanand Mishra from Jagran spoke with Dr. Praveen Gupta, Senior Consultant of Neurology at Fortis Hospital, Gurugram, to discuss all the crucial aspects of this disease.

Early Symptoms of Alzheimer’s

When discussing the early signs, individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s often forget words, lose their sense of direction, and sometimes even forget that they’ve just eaten. As the disease progresses, they start having difficulty recognizing people and eventually lose the ability to take care of themselves. At its worst, they forget the names of their family members and those around them.

Can This Problem Occur at a Young Age?

People who experience memory loss at a young age don’t necessarily have Alzheimer’s. Often, their memory issues stem from stress or depression, which keeps their minds preoccupied or makes it difficult for them to concentrate fully. While Alzheimer’s can occur at a young age, it is very rare. Vitamin B12 deficiency or thyroid imbalances can also contribute to memory problems.

When Should You Be Concerned?

The risk of developing Alzheimer’s typically increases after the age of 60. Deficiencies in Vitamin B12 or thyroid imbalances can cause memory issues but do not lead directly to Alzheimer’s. Lack of B12 or thiamine can result in memory loss.

How Is Lifestyle Responsible?

An imbalanced lifestyle is a major factor in Alzheimer’s. Following a routine, getting adequate sleep, staying physically active, avoiding cholesterol-increasing foods, and living a stress-free life can help prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Excessive screen time or working in artificial light can disrupt sleep patterns, further increasing the risk. If you get proper sleep, it helps your brain rest.

Treatment Options

Once the symptoms of Alzheimer’s become apparent, treatment can begin. Cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy, yoga, pranayama, and medications can help manage the condition.

Key Tips

  • Try to live a stress-free life to avoid Alzheimer’s and dementia.
  • Engage in hobbies or intellectual activities to keep your brain active.
  • Control your blood sugar and blood pressure levels. Exercise regularly and avoid smoking.
  • Limit the intake of fried foods, ghee, oils, and fats.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables but keep salt consumption limited.
  • Consuming walnuts and almonds is beneficial.
  • Fish oil, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, helps maintain brain health.

The Importance of Proper Sleep

It is essential to get at least six to eight hours of sleep. Set a regular sleep schedule and stop using your phone before bedtime. Clear your mind of any thoughts, stay calm, and rest to achieve deep, restorative sleep.

Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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