4 september 2024 : Staying fit and incorporating regular exercise into your routine has always been important, but many young people find it challenging to fit workouts into their busy schedules. A study published last year in the journal Obesity indicates that exercising in the morning, particularly between 7 and 9 am, is effective for managing weight. Additional research supports that morning workouts can be more beneficial for weight loss compared to exercising later in the day.

Morning workouts offer a range of other remarkable health benefits that may inspire you to rise early and exercise. Here are five advantages of working out in the morning:

1. Elevates Mood:

A morning workout boosts your energy and reduces fatigue. Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins—feel-good neurotransmitters—making it an excellent way to start the day positively and with an optimistic outlook.

2. Boosts Metabolism:

Exercising in the morning can enhance your metabolism. Research from Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews suggests that consistent morning workouts are particularly beneficial for individuals with obesity. Morning exercise can also help establish a regular exercise habit, leading to better bodily functions and weight management.

3. Improves Focus and Mental Clarity:

Physical activity enhances focus and concentration, and working out in the morning can kick-start your day with improved mental clarity. This can help combat feelings of lethargy and potentially boost productivity at work.

4. Boosts Heart Health:

Exercising in the morning can lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases compared to exercising at other times of the day. The European Society of Cardiology reports that morning activity reduces the risks of both heart disease and stroke.

5. Enhances Sleep Quality:

An early workout can contribute to better sleep. A study in Vascular Health and Risk Management found that adults who exercised at 7 am experienced better sleep quality. Early exercise helps lower nighttime blood pressure, leading to more restful sleep.

Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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