22 august 2024 : Mornings are most beneficial when dedicated to relaxing the muscles, stretching the body, and mentally preparing for the day ahead. If we retire for the night burdened with tension and stress, we often awaken feeling overwhelmed. This state can influence our entire day, leading to feelings of irritability and frustration. The foundation for a restorative night’s sleep and a revitalizing morning lies in releasing stress and anticipating a brighter tomorrow. While this may seem challenging, engaging in workouts and gentle stretches can significantly enhance our mood and provide new insights into managing our challenges. Below are five exercises designed to promote happiness and well-being throughout the day.

5 exercises to promote happiness and health in the morning
Walking or running:
Embarking on a morning walk with a family member or partner can greatly benefit both physical and mental well-being. This activity serves as a low-impact workout that enhances overall body circulation.

Envision cycling through familiar streets or a park during the early hours, enjoying the experience while simultaneously exercising your lower body. Cycling is a low-impact workout that offers remarkable health advantages when practiced consistently.

This warm-up routine emphasizes stretching the upper body muscles. It involves positioning oneself on all fours, gradually elevating the upper body to stretch the spine, followed by an inward stretch of the spine.

This routine effectively enhances cardiovascular health by engaging every muscle group in the body. Simply stand, stretch your legs, raise your arms upward, and then swiftly return to the starting position. The effectiveness lies in the repetition of this movement.

To perform this exercise, extend your arms outward, position your legs shoulder-width apart, and assume a seated posture. Continue this for a duration until you begin to feel the burn in your thigh muscles.

Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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