21 august 2024 : He suggested, “Cultivating a culture of healthy competition, peer-to-peer conversations and strong bonds and friendships at work can help given that all colleagues are experiencing the perils of a hectic work life. Being watchful about your staff and offering help to overcome such mental health situations is important. While seeking professional help is always an option, one needs to spend time in meditation, yoga and enroll in wellness programs for guidance. Investing time in spiritual growth also offers a calming and soothing experience, one must take advantage of online programs, sessions and digital options that are easy to avail at your time of convenience. The healthcare providers must not shy away from managing mental health as caregivers are also human and one must note that self-care is priority. If you are healthy, only then can you provide the best care to others.”

The unseen crisis:

Bringing his expertise to the same, Dr Shaju George, Specialist Psychiatrist, opined, “Being in the profession for so many years, we have definitely seen a rise in the number of people seeking medical help for mental health management. The glaring question is how many of those are medical professionals. Encouraging and normalising help for mental health problems is the way forward for medical professionals and caregivers who are so involved in caregiving that they forget to care for themselves. We need to change this and create safe spaces for our doctors, nurses, and staff. The gap often lies at the workplace management levels, where hospitals, clinics, labs, diagnostic centres lay emphasis on patients but not on their own staff. We have to implement measures for our in-house staff to cope with the surmountable workload resulting in stress, burnout, anxiety, mood swings.”

He proposed that fostering a culture of healthy competition, encouraging peer-to-peer dialogue, and nurturing strong relationships among colleagues can be beneficial, especially as all employees navigate the challenges of a demanding work environment. It is crucial to remain attentive to the well-being of staff and to provide support in addressing mental health issues. While professional assistance is always an option, individuals should also dedicate time to practices such as meditation, yoga, and participation in wellness programs for guidance. Engaging in spiritual development can yield a calming and restorative experience; thus, it is advisable to take advantage of online resources, sessions, and digital programs that are accessible at one’s convenience. Healthcare providers should not hesitate to address mental health concerns, recognizing that caregivers are human and that self-care must take precedence. Only by maintaining their own health can they offer optimal care to others.

    The Hidden Crisis:

    Dr. Shaju George, a Specialist Psychiatrist, shared his insights on the matter, stating, “With many years in the field, we have certainly observed an increase in individuals seeking medical assistance for mental health issues. A pressing question arises regarding how many of these individuals are healthcare professionals themselves. It is essential to promote and normalize the pursuit of help for mental health challenges among medical professionals and caregivers, who often become so engrossed in their roles that they neglect their own well-being. We must initiate a shift in this paradigm and establish safe environments for our doctors, nurses, and support staff. The disconnect frequently occurs at the management level within workplaces, where hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and diagnostic centers prioritize patient care over the welfare of their own employees. It is imperative to implement strategies that enable our in-house staff to manage the overwhelming workload that leads to stress, burnout, anxiety, and mood fluctuations.”

    He suggested that it is essential to regularly organize programs to highlight their significance and to provide medical staff with coping strategies for their everyday challenges. It would be beneficial to employ professionals dedicated to observing, advising, and encouraging staff to prioritize wellness, stress management, and the treatment of various mental health issues. Given the increasing incidents of depression and suicide, it is crucial to establish protocols that monitor the mental well-being of staff to prevent such tragedies. Implementing preventive measures, such as incorporating meditation, yoga, and relaxation activities within the workplace, along with providing sleeping pods and rest areas for medical personnel during shifts, can be advantageous. Workplace support plays a vital role in mental health management, particularly for caregivers who are deeply engaged in patient care.

      Addressing the Well-Being of Healthcare Providers:

      The discourse surrounding the escalating workload faced by healthcare professionals, including pathologists, lab technicians, and microscopists, has been extensive. Samrat Singh, Co-Founder and CEO of Medprime Technologies, emphasized this issue by stating, “Although technological innovations are facilitating automation, we still have a considerable journey ahead in terms of its implementation. In a densely populated country like India, healthcare professionals are increasingly experiencing mental health challenges such as stress, anxiety, and exhaustion due to the growing demands of their roles. It is crucial that as we strive to enhance healthcare services, we simultaneously prioritize the well-being of our staff by offering access to mental health initiatives, stress management training, and wellness practices that they can incorporate into their daily routines.”

      He asserted, “Mental health support strategies come a long way in coping with work stress, while tackling the challenges on the job. Application of preventive and intervention strategies for mental health of professionals such as mindful meditation practices, digital mediums to access information on the issues faced and coping mechanisms for it, availability of psychological and psychiatric experts on the office panel, occupational health support personnel, peer support programs, while emphasizing on work-life balance.”

      Samrat Singh advised, ‘Healthcare organisations can sign up for innovative ideas such as employee discounts in wellness centres, yoga clinics and even wellness resorts that promote healthy vacations created to recoup from stressful situations. It is also helpful to provide tips to navigate stressful work environments and enforce leave policies while taking stringent action to promote a good working environment. Embracing innovations in the space like leveraging technologies that aid in automating work also helps in reduction of workload, a new-age way of looking at managing work-life balance.”

      Punjab Khabarnama

      Punjab Khabarnama

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