4 July 2024 Punjab Khabarnama : Gond and Gond Katira have their own various health benefits. However, the two things are different and people mistake it for one thing. Gond is mostly used in winter, while Gond Katira is used more in summer. People use Gond Katira for weight loss. It is also great for your digestive system. It is mostly used in summer drinks. Let us first know the difference between the two…

What is the difference between glue and glue stick?

The color of gond is light yellow, while gond katira is completely transparent. The glue dissolves in water, but the glue bead swells and forms a jelly-like substance. Gond is warming to the body, while Gond Katira has a cooling effect. Gond is used in winter sweets, but gond katira is used in summer drinks. The gum is extracted from the acacia tree. While the gum comes from the astragalus plant.

Benefits of Gond Katira

Gond Katira helps flush out toxins from your body and improves your digestive system. Gond Katira is also famous for anti-aging, healing wounds and reducing blemishes. Gond Katira is known to improve hair loss. Gond Katira is rich in calcium and magnesium, which makes bones strong. People suffering from constipation can consume Gond Katira.It boosts your immunity. Gond Katira boosts your immunity. It is known to reduce the risk of flu and cough. Gond Katira helps clear mucus.

Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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