4 July 2024 Punjab Khabarnama : People in India are more fond of drinking tea. People of India drink tea several times a day. The day starts and ends with tea. But drinking tea more times a day can be harmful to health. Many people like to drink tea even after eating bread. Which is very wrong for our health. Drinking tea after eating harms our health and causes many health related problems.

sleep problems

Drinking too much tea or drinking tea soon after eating can cause sleep problems. If you drink tea immediately after eating, you may face problems like gas, indigestion, acidity. Due to these problems our sleep is affected. Due to lack of sleep, various mental problems arise.

Complaints of anemia

By drinking tea immediately after eating, our body does not get the nutrients present in the food completely. Due to which our body begins to lack essential nutrients. This increases the risk of anemia in our body and we become weak.

Gas problem

The habit of drinking tea after eating has a bad effect on your digestion. Drinking tea makes it difficult to digest food. Due to which the person gets gas problem. In fact, drinking tea with milk immediately after eating has an effect on the digestive acid produced in the body. Due to which food takes more time to digest.

blood pressure

People who have BP problems should stay away from tea, as the amount of caffeine in tea increases the blood pressure of a person and this can lead to many health related problems.

How much tea should be drunk daily?

There is a lot of caffeine in tea. According to the ICMR, only 300 mg of caffeine should be consumed daily. Doctors often advise that tea or coffee should be consumed one hour before or one hour after meals. Consuming more of it can adversely affect your health.

Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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