May 30 (Punjab Khabarnama) : There is a long waiting list of patients to get a private room in PGI. The patient is admitted in the ward or ICU and the family applies for a private room. Many times the patient is not even discharged from the ward or other department and he gets a private room. In such a situation, the patient reserves the space for two patients in advance, but now this will not be possible.

The PGI administration has ordered that the patient admitted in the hospital will no longer be able to apply for a private room in advance. Recently, it has come to the notice of the PGI administration that many patients reserve two beds together. In such a situation, the waiting list is increasing and this decision has been taken to stop it. According to this, the patient will be admitted in ICU, ward, CCU, labor room. If he has applied for a private room and his number comes, then he will have to be shifted within 12 hours. If he does not shift, the private room will be cancelled.

People apply months in advance
If the staff is to be believed, the patient and his attendant keep the private room with them along with getting admitted in the ward. With the increasing number of patients in PGI, there is a shortage of beds. In such a situation, the needy patient does not get a room. It has been seen many times that instead of the patient, his attendant uses the room. People apply for private rooms months in advance. They feel that the waiting list is very long. In such a situation, the room does not get vacant for many months and the waiting list keeps on increasing. Currently, the waiting period takes 20 to 25 days and sometimes even a month.

The rent has been increased two years ago
PGI had increased the rent of private rooms and VIP rooms two years ago. Earlier, while taking a private room in PGI, patients had to pay Rs 8 thousand for security. Now patients have to pay Rs 25 thousand. Currently, in PGI, The rent of a private room is up to Rs 3500, which includes diet charges and lab charges. In 2013, the rent of a private room was Rs 950. While the VIP room was Rs 1500. Now it has increased to Rs 6500.

Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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