30 september 2024 : Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang stated that AI agents are set to become as essential to the workforce as human employees, suggesting that the process of integrating AI into businesses will soon feel as standard as onboarding new team members.

Huang emphasized that AI will not replace human workers but will instead complement them. He noted that AI agents will handle repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as data entry, allowing employees to concentrate on more important and creative work. The integration of AI will resemble the onboarding of a new colleague, where the AI is introduced, trained, and assigned specific responsibilities.

Discussing the current wave of AI innovation, Huang expressed excitement about the unique opportunities it presents, stating that Nvidia will play a significant role in shaping the future of technology.

On the topic of nuclear power, Huang remarked that it is a viable option for meeting the renewable energy demands of the increasing number of data centers. He described nuclear energy as a valuable source of sustainable energy, noting that while it will not be the only solution, a balanced approach using various energy sources will be necessary for cost and sustainability over time.

Huang added that compliance with existing policies and regulations is crucial, and that Nvidia aims to compete effectively in its markets to support its customers.

Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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