14 august 2024 : A court in Chhattisgarh’s Bilaspur Tuesday sentenced a 34-year-old man to death for having murdered his wife and three children this January saying the act was “predetermined, grave, barbaric, (and) horrifying where innocent and helpless children were murdered by a man who was supposed to be their natural guardian”.

According to court records, the incident occurred on the night of January 1 in Hiri village, where the convict Umendra Kevat is said to have strangled his 32-year-old wife Sukrita and then used the same rope to kill his three children — two daughters Khushi (5) and Lisa (3) and son Pawan (18 months). The couple had been married in 2017 and Umendra is stated to “suspect” his wife of cheating. He is also known to have assaulted his wife in the past but the couple’s families’ are believed to have intervened to settle it.

Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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