September 10, 2024 – Tensions are rising between the Governor and Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann of Punjab regarding the appointment of a Vice-Chancellor (VC) for a university in Punjab. If the Punjab government does not approve the recommendations of the selection committee for the VC position by midnight tonight, the authority to appoint the VC will shift to the Governor.

This issue concerns the appointment of the VC for Guru Angad Dev Veterinary Sciences University in Punjab. According to information received by, the term of the current VC, Dr. Inderjeet Singh, ended two months ago. He has been retained temporarily as the new VC has not yet been appointed.

The Punjab government had constituted a high-level five-member selection committee to shortlist candidates for the VC position. The committee was supposed to recommend one name from the applications, which would then be sent to the Governor’s office by the Chief Minister’s office for final approval. However, two months have passed, and no name has been approved by the Chief Minister’s office yet. If a name is not approved by midnight tonight, the authority to appoint the VC will be transferred to the Governor.

It is noteworthy that there has been ongoing friction between Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann and the then-Governor Banwari Lal Purohit regarding the appointments of VCs. Chief Ministers’ appointees have been rejected by the Governor in the past, and a constitutional provision was issued. If the Punjab government does not make a decision on the VC appointment within the next two months, the Governor will have full authority to make the appointment.

Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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