19 June 2024 Punjab Khabarnama : A belly that protrudes beyond the belt is bad for both your health and personality. In such a case, it is necessary that you do a workout and get rid of the extra fat on the body. But for working out one has to go to a gym or a park etc., so one has to give a certain time every day. Undoubtedly, making time for your health is important, but not everyone has the time and space to work out every day.In such a case, you can choose some such exercises that you can do on your bed as soon as you wake up. These exercises will help you lose body fat. Let us tell you some easy exercises that you can do every day at home –

the crunch

This is an exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Doing crunches does not make belly fat go away. Lie on your back on a bed or floor to perform this exercise. Bend your legs. Bend the knees towards the ceiling. After this, put both your hands behind the sides of the head and then the topBring the head toward the knees, lifting the torso up. In the beginning you may find this exercise difficult, but gradually the exercise will become comfortable for you. You can start with 5 to 10 crunches. After this gradually increase the number of your crunches.


You can also do planks easily on your bed or on the ground. This exercise is an easy version of the lunge. So lie down on your stomach. Then make a bridge by weighing your body weight on your elbows. This will strain the abdominal muscles. Hold a plank for 20 seconds.This strengthens the abdominal muscles. Gradually your stamina will start increasing, thus increasing your hold time.

Leg Rage Exercise

Leg Raise means raising the leg up. This exercise is done to build 6 pack abs. In this, the abdominal muscles are active, due to which the belly fat is shed. To do this exercise, lie on the bed facing the ceiling. Bend both your legs upwards Raise to a 45 degree angle. Bring the legs up and hold. This hold can be half to a minute. As your stamina increases, increase your hold and number of leg raises. Make these exercises a part of your daily life and your belly fat will disappear.

Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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