May 23 (Punjab Khabarnama) : Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to not drag his parents into the Modi versus Kejriwal fight. Citing their age and ill health, Kejriwal said, ‘Your fight is with me. Don’t harass my sick, old parents. God is watching everything.”

The message came as the Delhi Police was scheduled to interrogate Kejriwal’s parents in connection with the Swati Maliwal assault case. Kejriwal’s parents were present when the AAP MP was reportedly assaulted by Kejriwal’s aide Bibhav Kumar. However, the questioning was deferred. According to reports, cops will visit Kejriwal’s residence in the coming days to record his parents’ statement but not on Thursday.

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“This is my appeal to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Pradhanmantri ji, you have made several attempts to pull me down. You arrested me; harassed me in Tihar in several ways. But I did not give in. Today, you crossed all limits as you targeted my parents. My mother is very ill. She came home from the hospital on the day you arrested me, March 21. My father is 85 years old. He is short of hearing. Do you think they have done something wrong? Why will the cops interrogate them,” Kejriwal said.

“I am waiting for the police with my parents and wife. Yesterday the police called my parents and asked for time for interrogation. But they have not given any information yet whether they will come or not,” Kejriwal wrote on X.

Why Kejriwal’s parents will be interrogated
In her statement, Swati Maliwal said Kejriwal’s family members were having their breakfast when she went to the CM’s residence on May 13. She said she greeted Kejriwal’s parents and then sat in the drawing room waiting for Kejriwal but the CM’s aide Bibhav Kumar followed her and assaulted her in the drawing room — slapping, kicking — prompting her to call the PCR. Kejriwal in his first reaction to the incident said he was not present at the incident site.

In her first interview after the May 13 incident, Swati Maliwal told ANI that Kejriwal was present in his residence and when she screamed for help, no one came to her rescue at the CM’s residence.

Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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