Chandigarh, May 13 – Haryana Governor Shri Bandaru Dattatraya along with his family members today, on the occasion of Lok Sabha elections, at polling station number 232, J.V. Voted at High School, Ramnagar, Hyderabad.
After voting, Governor Shri Bandaru Dattatreya called upon every citizen to increase the pride of the country by voting in the election festival. He said that voting for Lok Sabha elections is to be held in Haryana on May 25. Every voter should fulfill his responsibility of voting and work to strengthen India’s democracy by casting as many votes as possible.
number 2024
researcher Our research Of Subject And Area about deep Understanding advanced Do : Vice Chancellor
Chandigarh , May 13 – Maharishi Dayanand University ( MDU ) Rohtak Of vice chancellor Pro . Rajbir Lion has university In Faculty off physical Sciences And Faculty off Engineering and technology By – Research Methodology Subject But Held Seven one day Workshop Of launch Do happened Said That researcher Our research Of Subject And Area about deep Understanding advanced Do it. Excellent research Work Tax better career foundation Ready Do it.
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Punjab Khabarnama

Punjab Khabarnama

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